Guía metodológica para el desarrollo de proyectos tipo RED+ en ecosistemas de manglar (B-432)
Informe sobre el estado de los recursos naturales y del ambiente 2014-2015 (JC-257)
Caribbean and north Brazil shelf large marine ecosystems (JE-71/ENG)
El océano en la ciencias naturales y sociales: construyendo país marítimo (SO-12/2016)
Hydronumerical modelling of nutrients and oxygen in Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia (CD-336) Nuevos registros de esponjas de los géneros Petrosia y Xestospongia (Clase Demospongiae, orden Aposclerida, Familia Petrosiidae) para el Caribe colombiano (CD-337)
Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras Vol.44 No.2
Journal of Coastal Research Vol.31 No.6
Journal of Coastal Research Vol.32 No.1
Marine Biodiversity Vol.45 No.3
Marine Biodiversity Vol.45 No.4
Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.98 No.1-2
Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.99 No.1-2
Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.100 No.1
Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.100 No.2
Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.101 No.1
Marine Pollution Bulletin Vol.101 No.2
Natural Resources and Development Vol.9
Natural Resources and Development Vol.15
Natural Resources and Development Vol.16
Natural Resources and Development Vol.17
Natural Resources and Development Vol.19
Natural Resources and Development Vol.20
Natural Resources and Development Vol.21
Natural Resources and Development Vol.24
Natural Resources and Development Vol.25
Natural Resources and Development Vol.26
Natural Resources and Development Vol.27
Natural Resources and Development Vol.28
Natural Resources and Development Vol.29
Natural Resources and Development Vol.30
Natural Resources and Development Vol.31
Natural Resources and Development Vol.32
Natural Resources and Development Vol.33
Natural Resources and Development Vol.35
Natural Resources and Development Vol.36
Natural Resources and Development Vol.40
Natural Resources and Development Vol.41
Natural Resources and Development Vol.42
Natural Resources and Development Vol.47
Ocean Coastal & Management Vol.115
Ocean Coastal & Management Vol.116
Ocean Coastal & Management Vol.117
Ocean Coastal & Management Vol.118 PA
Ocean Coastal & Management Vol.118 PB